Compare Digest Fixer - Replaces direct password/hash comparisons with compare_digest()

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Locates occurrences of a password-named variable, e.g. password, secret within a binary expression and replaces it with a call to compare_digest().


If a comparison (binary expression) using the == operator has a variable named password, secret, etc. it will replace it with a call to compare_digest()

if password == "SECRET":

Will raise PW100 and suggest the Compare Digest fixer. When executed the code will become:

from hmac import compare_digest
if compare_digest(password, "SECRET"):

The sequence of comparators is preserved. Any additional logic in the left or right expression is preserved.

If the Python version is detected to be 3.7 or above, the secrets module will be used instead:

from secrets import compare_digest
if compare_digest(password, "SECRET"):